We are a company composed of individuals who together form a strong team with experience in the current world economy.


“To be a respected, modern and practical consulting company that benefits small and medium-sized enterprises.”


“Provide comprehensive consulting services, the company as a whole and developing its added value.”


Zdeněk Dvořák

Chairman of the Board
Zdeněk has many years of experience in top corporate management, banking, M&A and strategic projects. He personally managed projects worth billions of CZK. For example, he participated in the restructuring of the state-owned company LOM PRAHA; acquisition and restructuring of Let Kunovice; has prepared and participated in realizing the development of ABS Jets. He also worked at J&T Bank in the area of projects financing and projects preparation for the Bank’s private clients. An important experience was the comprehensive management of more than five billion CZK investment project, where he was responsible for financing, construction and production start-up a new steel plant. He also carried out a number of projects for the acquisition or sale of real economy firms. Zdeněk benefits from knowledge of industry and finance. He is the founder of AG and has brought to the company knowledge of strategic planning, a complete methodology of value added work in M&A, which is our competitive advantage.

Ilja Moravec

Project Manager
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
In his professional career, Ilja has gained significant experience in leadership, projects preparation and management, risk identification and management. He has an analytical and procedural approach to finding solutions in the blood. In his professional practice he has gone through both manufacturing companies and banking. He is a specialist in process analysis and quality and risk management systems. During the M&A process, his extraordinary ability to compile, manage and negotiate transaction documentation is valuable. He has managed major projects. For example, as CEO of 1. Projektová, a.s. he carried out an investment project worth billions of CZK as an EPC contractor. In our team, he is mainly involved in the implementation of acquisitions and system-intensive projects. For example, he was the driving force behind the successful launch of Borealis Exploration Limited shares on the Prime Market Prague Stock Exchange.

Jan Utinek

Head of Commercial Team
Jan brings many years of experience gained mainly from the general engineering sector and the aerospace industry. At Aero Vodochody, as Production Director, he was responsible for improving internal production and logistics processes. He subsequently successfully applied this experience in Business Development for globally operating High-Tech companies. With proven results at Honeywell International, Jan has expanded its product portfolio, sought out and implemented business opportunities, and also performed tasks that led to increased profitability. He applied his experience gained in corporate clients to support the expansion of SME companies, where he set developed and applied strategies for product development, gaining new markets and increasing customer satisfaction. Last but not least, he held the position of CEO, where he actively ensured business development, trade and process optimization in the sector of aircraft components and ground military technology. Jan applies a structured approach, and can effectively manage large projects in a turbulent global environment.

Tomáš Mácha

Chief Advisor
Tomáš přináší do firmy zkušenosti z vrcholového podnikového managementu. Působil zejména na pozicích finančního a generálního ředitele v sektoru výroby i služeb. Svou kariéru začal v bankovnictví, kde se specializoval na financování firemní a korporátní klientely. K jeho profesní vášni patří příprava sofistikovaných business modelů a citlivostních analýz. Dlouhodobě se věnuje přípravě podnikatelských plánů. Ve své praxi se specializuje na projektové financování nejčastěji za účasti bank. Má zkušenosti s krizovým řízením firem a restrukturalizacemi. Za dobu své kariéry po několik let paralelně přednášel na VŠE a také učil na Obchodní akademii.

Hlavní spolupracující specialisté

Pavel Vaculík

Pavel has worked for a major financial group for a number of years. He prepared business plans and performed due diligence of companies in dealing with acquisitions. As a technical director of the company 1. Projektová, he led a team for the construction of a steel plant in Slovakia and the construction of a hangar at Ruzyně Airport. For SGS Czech Republic, Pavel participatesd in significant and large-scale investment projects in the position of project manager and price manager in total investment costs of over CZK 4 billion. He has experience in managing companies from the position of a member of the Board of Directors and a member of the Supervisory Board. Within the Advantage Group, Pavel assesses technical and technological projects, feasibility studies, and civil engineering activities.

Lenka Toušková

Lenka graduated the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Czech Technical University. Then she gained experience in a professional publishing house, where she led the team of the construction literature department and worked on the development of new products. She then used her organizational skills at a production architectural studio. In recent years, he has been working in the field of property management.

Robin Prinke

Robin gained experience in the field of energy, where he participated in the introduction service customer service centers, which included sales analyses and plans, tallent management and employee evaluation. Robin has experience in setting up sales process and optimizing customer service. In his career he has successfully participated in the implementation and management of IS/IT projects focused on process digitization, implementation and development of information systems, customer portals or reporting tools.